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How to Run and Analyze a Model

About this training session

We'll guide you through the process of configuring and executing a model using the Run Menu. We'll delve into the comprehensive features of the Run Manager, allowing you to track the progress of your runs and solutions. You'll learn to identify and interpret the outputs generated by the model, gaining a deeper understanding of the results. Additionally, we'll show you how to visualize these solutions on a map, enabling you to present and analyze your model's outcomes in a visually informative way.

What you will learn:

  • How to configure and run a model from the Run Menu
  • Understand all the features of the Run Manager, where we can follow the progress of a run/solution
  • Identify and understand outputs of the solution
  • Visualize the solution on a map

Suggested pre-work:

Length: 25 minutes

Your Instructor

Niko Kaso
Senior Optimization Scientist
  • Profile
    Niko Kaso
    Senior Optimization Scientist